中国艺术家 | 刘维 Liu Wei

来源:网友投稿 2025-03-04 16:46:45 热度:203°C


Culture 菌整理编辑,版权为艺术家本人所有


Dimension, 2021 Aluminium and car paint 250.1 x 801 x 231.7 cm. (98.5 x 315.4 x 91.2 in.)


Liu Wei

Microworld NO. 8, 2022Aluminium, wood and steel 179 x 124 x 137 cm. (70.5 x 48.8 x 53.9 in.)

Microworld NO. 9, 2022 Aluminium, wood and steel 154 x 118 x 93 cm. (60.6 x 46.5 x 36.6 in.)

Vanguard Aluminium and car paint 275 x 320.5 x 302 cm. (108.3 x 126.2 x 118.9 in.)

Nudity No. 8, 2021 Oil on Canvas 180 x 300 cm. (70.9 x 118.1 in.)

Nudity No. 4, 2021 Oil on Canvas220 x 260 cm. (86.6 x 102.4 in.)

Nudity No.1, 2021 Oil on Canvas 220 x 220 cm. (86.6 x 86.6 in.)

Nudity No. 5, 2021Oil On Canvas 200 x 260 cm. (78.7 x 102.4 in.)

壬寅 (ren yin)001, 2022 Oil on canvas 200 x 149.9 cm. (78.7 x 59 in.)

壬寅 (ren yin)002, 2022Oil on canvas 200 x 149.9 cm. (78.7 x 59 in.)

壬寅 (renyin)003, 2022 Oil on canvas 200 x 160 cm. (78.7 x 63 in.)

Purple Air 2014 No.1, 2014 Oil on canvas 250 x 250 in. (635 x 635 cm.)

The East 2021 No.5, 2021 Oil on Canvas 260 x 180 cm. (102.4 x 70.9 in.)


Liu Wei (b.1972) was born and presently resides in Beijing, China. He was trained as a painter at the China Academy of Art, Hangzhou in 1996. He is heavily influenced by the instability and fluctuation peculiar to twenty-first century China, in particular with respect to its physical and intellectual landscape. Initially Liu belongs to the generation of artists known as the Post-Sensibility group; in the years since, with his paintings, videos and large-scale installations Liu has become a singular presence on the global art stage.

刘维的创作成熟于中国发展进程中的一个重要阶段,深受新世纪中国社会特有的变动和起伏影响——城市和人文景观的变迁对其影响尤为突出。作为活跃于上世纪90年代末的 “后感性” 小组中的一员,他以众多不同媒介,诸如绘画、影像、装置及雕塑等来进行创作,并逐渐以自己独特的艺术方式在世界舞台上受到瞩目。刘韡的作品表现出了受后杜尚主义启发、与广泛现代主义遗产进行交涉的特征。他的创作将发生于中国的无数政治及社会转变所导致的视觉和智力层面的混乱凝聚成为一种多变且独特的艺术语言。其中,长期的 “狗咬胶” 系列装置作品、“丛林” 系列帆布装置作品、“书城” 系列书装置作品及近期的纪念碑式大型绘画《东方No.5》代表了刘韡美学中的多样性:与城市息息相关的、激进的混乱,以及与抽象历史积极进行沟通的、平静的绚丽。

Liu Wei explores 21st century socio-political concepts such as the contradictions of contemporary society and the transformation of developing cities and the urban landscape. In many of his sculptural and installation works, he uses found materials that are re-contextualized to draw new meanings out of the materials from which they are made. He frequently uses geometric and architectural forms in his work as a reference to his urban surroundings.

近期个展包括上海龙美术馆西岸馆的 “散场/OVER”(2020年)、 克里夫兰当代美术馆和克里夫兰艺术博物馆的《看不见的城市》(2019年)等。参与国际联展包括:纽约古根海姆美术馆的《1989后的艺术与中国:世界剧场》(2017年)、伦敦白教堂美术馆的《黑色方块的冒险:抽象艺术与社会1915-2015》(2015年);曾参加第58届和第51届威尼斯双年展(2019、2005年)、第11届、第8届和第5届上海双年展(2016、2010、2004年),第11届和第9届里昂双年展(2015、2007年)等。也曾多次获得国内外艺术家大奖和公益奖,包括第十届AAC艺术中国年度艺术家大奖(2016年)、Artnet年度艺术家(2016年)、中澳文化大使(2016年)、CCAA中国当代艺术奖最佳艺术家奖(2008年)等。

Liu Wei’s recent solo exhibitions include “散场/OVER” (Long Museum West Bund, Shanghai, 2020); “Invisible Cities” (moCa Cleveland and the Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, 2019) among others. Recent group exhibitions include: “Art and China after 1989 Theater of the World” (Guggenheim Museum, New York, 2017); “Adventures of the Black Square – Abstract Art and Society 1915-2015” (Whitechapel Gallery, London, 2015); He has participated in the 58th and 51st Venice Biennale (2019, 2005); the 11th, 8th and 5th Shanghai Biennale (2016, 2010, 2004); the 13th and 9th Biennale de Lyon (2015, 2007) among others. He was nominated for the Award of Art China 2015 and received the Award in 2016; He was the Artnet Artist of the Year and the Ambassador of Sino-Australia Cultural Exchange in 2016; He received the Chinese Contemporary Art Award for Best Artist in 2008.




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