
来源:网友投稿 2025-03-04 13:03:23 热度:260°C





  • 1、铃木爱理的《first kiss》的中文音译歌词

铃木爱理的《first kiss》的中文音译歌词

面那个一看就是机翻 我自己翻的放上: My first kiss went a little like this 我的初吻就像这样进行 And twist 然后缠绕 And twist 继续缠绕() [Verse] I said no more teachers 我说了不再要老师 And no more books 而且不再要书本 I got a kiss under the bleachers 我在露天看台得到了初吻 Hoping that nobody looks 希望没有人看见 Lips like liquorish 嘴唇就像是在互相啃噬 Tongue like candy 舌头就像糖果 Excuse me miss but can I get you out your panties? 小姐,打扰一下,我能邀请你离开一下你的派对吗? [Hook] In the back of the car 在车的后座 On the way to the bar 在去往酒吧的路上 I got you on my list 我把你列入了我的(涉猎)名单 [I got you on my list] At the foot of the stairs 在楼梯的底部 With my fingers in your hair 我把手指伸进你的头发 Baby, this is it 宝贝,就是这样 [Chorus] She won’t ever get enough 她永远不会满足 Once she gets a little touch 只要她稍微触及了一下 If I had it my way, 如果我用我的方式 You know that I’d make her say 你知道我一定会让她说出来 Ooooooh Ooooooh [repeat]重复一遍 [Verse] Well my first kiss went a little like this 我的初吻就像这样进行 I said no more sailors 我说了不需要船员 And no more soldiers 而且不需要士兵 With your name in a heart 你的名字已被铭刻在我的心中 Tattooed up on the shoulders 已被纹在了我的肩膀上 Your kiss is like whiskey 你的吻就像是威士忌 It gets me drunk 让我陶醉 And I wake up in the morning with the taste of your tongue 当我早上醒来的时候嘴里还余留着你舌头的气息 In the back of the car 在车的后座 On the way to the bar 在去往酒吧的路上 I got you on my list 我把你列入了我的(涉猎)名单 [I got you on my list] At the foot of the stairs 在楼梯的底部 With my fingers in your hair 我把手指伸进你的头发 Baby, this is it 宝贝,就是这样 [Chorus] She won’t ever get enough 她永远不会满足 Once she gets a little touch 只要她稍微触及了一下 If I had it my way, 如果我用我的方式 You know that I’d make her say 你知道我一定会让她说出来 Ooooooh Ooooooh Ooooooh Ooooooh My first kiss went a little like this 我的初吻就像这样进行 And twist 然后缠绕 And twist 继续缠绕 She won’t ever get enough 她永远不会满足 Once she gets a little touch 只要她稍微触及了一下 If I had it my way, 如果我用我的方式 You know that I’d make her say 你知道我一定会让她说出来 Ooooooh Ooooooh She won’t ever get enough 她永远不会满足 Once she gets a little touch 只要她稍微触及了一下 If I had it my way, 如果我用我的方式 You know that I’d make her say 你知道我一定会让她说出来 【End】 ps:Ke$ha 的get in line 也很好听噢~ 其他回答My first went a little like this 我第一次吻得这样轻啊嘿 和扭曲 嘿啊嘿啊! 和扭曲 [00:10.72]Ah huh [00:10.72]啊嘿 [00:12.04]And twist [00:12.04]和扭曲 [00:12.40]Ah huh Ah huh [00:12.40]啊嘿啊嘿 [00:13.47]And twist [00:13.47]和扭曲 [00:13.99] [00:13.99] [00:14.35]I said no more teachers [00:14.35]我说没有更多的教师 [00:15.82]And no more books [00:15.82]而没有更多的书 [00:17.41]I thought a kiss under the bleachers [00:17.41]我想了看台下亲吻 [00:19.32]Hoping I know where to look [00:19.32]希望我知道在哪里看 [00:21.15]Lips like liquorish [00:21.15]嘴唇像liquorish [00:22.61]Charm like candy [00:22.61]像糖果的魅力 [00:24.70]Excuse me miss why can't I get you out your panties [00:24.70]对不起,我错过为什么我不能让你出你的内裤 [00:27.59] [00:27.59] [00:28.22]And go back to the car [00:28.22],然后回到车上 [00:30.47]On our way to the bar [00:30.47]我们向大律师公会 [00:32.15]I got you on my list [00:32.15]我有你在我的名单 [00:33.88](I got you on my list) [00:33.88](我有我的名单上你) [00:35.48]Grab your foot up the stairs [00:35.48]拿起你的脚走上楼梯 [00:37.24]Stick my fingers in your hair [00:37.24]坚持我的手指在你的头发 [00:39.10]And you say that's it [00:39.10]你说这是它 [00:40.85] [00:40.85] [00:42.24]She won't never get enough [00:42.24]她将永远不会得到足够的 [00:43.81]Once she gets a little touch [有一次她00:43.81]触摸得到一点点 [00:45.55]She had it my way [00:45.55]她是我的方式 [00:47.34]You know what I'll make you say [00:47.34]你知道我会让你说 [00:49.12]Ooooooh [00:49.12] Ooooooh [00:52.54]Ooooooh [00:52.54] Ooooooh [00:54.99] [00:54.99] [00:55.86]She won't never get enough [00:55.86]她将永远不会得到足够的 [00:57.63]Once she gets a little touch [有一次她00:57.63]触摸得到一点点 [00:59.34]She had it my way [00:59.34]她是我的方式 [01:01.01]You know what I'll make you say [01:01.01]你知道我会让你说 [01:02.94]Oooooooh [01:02.94] Oooooooh [01:06.19]Oooooooh [01:06.19] Oooooooh [01:08.76] [01:08.76] [01:09.75]Well my first kiss went a little like this [01:09.75]那么我第一次吻了这样一个小 [01:12.99]I said no more sounds [01:12.99]我没有再说话的声音 [01:13.09]And no more souls [01:13.09]而没有更多的灵魂 [01:16.51]Dig deep in the heart [01:16.

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